Physiotherapy in the Workplace

for Employers
At your placeRemotely

Corporal Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is the science that deals with the prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain, aiming to improve quality of life. Musculoskeletal pain in the workplace is one of the main causes of disability, with significant economic burdens, especially in developed countries. In Europe, about 50% of office workers suffer from neck and upper limb pain, while over 30% have problems with their lower back.


What is Musculoskeletal Pain?

Musculoskeletal pain is defined as pain manifested in various body parts, such as muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and sometimes nerves. This is often the result of repetitive movements, incorrect posture, inadequate ergonomics, and long periods in static positions. In the workplace,  these conditions frequently have a detrimental impact on employees’ performance and productivity and often lead to sick leaves.



How can physiotherapy help?

Specially tailored therapeutic interventions, such as active breaks (micro-breaks) that include various physiotherapy exercise programs, have proven more effective than passive breaks. Through physiotherapy, workers can receive guidance on better managing musculoskeletal problems, thereby contributing to the restoration of mobility, reduction of pain, and improvement of overall well-being.


Benefits for the company

  1. Reduced Absences: Healthy workers mean fewer sick leaves due to pain or discomfort.
  2. Increased Productivity: Workers who are not in pain are more productive as they can work without distractions and discomfort.
  3. Improved Corporate Image: Investing in employees’ health improves company’s reputation.




In summary, physiotherapy in the workplace can significantly improve workers’ quality of life and increase productivity while simultaneously reducing the costs due to absences and disability. For companies, incorporating physiotherapy into the work environment is an investment that can yield significant benefits.

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